
Elvervision is our analytics app that integrates with Xero to bring you a series of useful features to help you grow your business.

Cashflow forecasting is at the heart of Elvervision, which can be used to build an accurate a forecast, projecting up to 10 years to see the outcome of a decision, and including non financial data for true insight. A forecast includes these key financial statements:

Cash flow statement

The amount of cash entering and leaving your business. It allows business owners and managers to understand how the business operations are running, where money is coming from and how it is being spent.

Profit and loss 

This summarises the revenues, costs and expenses incurred during a specific period of time. It shows your businesses ability to generate profit by increasing revenue, reducing costs or both.

Balance sheet

This summarises your assets, liabilities and shareholder’s equity at a specific point in time. It’s what the company owns and owes and the amount invested by stakeholders.

Business Management Report Example

Business planning is made easy with Elvervision. Lay out your plan using scenario and performance dashboards and combine this with actual data to make better business decision.


Predict cash flow and assess the cash flow implications of your plans.


Create 3 way (cash flow, profit and loss and balance sheet) forecasts projecting up to 10 years into the future.


Scenario modelling gives to a greater understanding of your business, enabling you to answer “what if?” questions.


Create your own KPIs to assess business metrics.


Report against budget, prior year or both with graphical analysis to get a more in depth view of the numbers.


Get alerts if an agreed threshold or limit is met or if a target has been hit.


Get further insight into performance versus budget with variance analysis.


The management data you get from Elvervision will help support the decisions you need to make.

Add commentary

Annotate the assumptions which have been taken when building a business plan and share internally and externally.

Line-by-line assumptions

Accurately model the future of the business with unlimited forecast items. The more you can visualise, the more empowered you become.

Create from trends

Build forecasts fast using historical business data. Quickly assign growth rates or fixed increases or decreases that account for seasonality.

Import from spreadsheets

Use existing spreadsheet budgets and forecasts to get started and then customise them further in Elvervision.
